
Top 4 Maintenance Management Strategies for Manufacturing Businesses to Consider

Pratik Lohiya |

16 May 2024 |

12:28 PM

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Juggling a million machines in your factory feels like a never-ending game of keeping the lights on, right? 


We get you. Dealing with maintenance issues can cause big problems, like:

  • Heavy repair costs
  • Unexpected downtime
  • Reduced productivity

Scrambling to fix these pain points on the fly? Wouldn’t it be amazing if your factory ran like a smoothly oiled machine, with minimal disruptions?

These issues can really hurt your business’s bottom line. That’s why it’s so important to have a solid maintenance management strategy.

But there’s good news!

With the right maintenance strategies, you can turn this tide of unpredictability. You can develop a streamlined operation where:

  • Maintenance approach is proactive rather than reactive
  • Downtime is minimized 
  • Maintenance department is not just a cost center but a vital contributor to your business’s success

In this blog, we will explore 4  essential maintenance management strategies that can transform how you manage your manufacturing operations. The purpose of this blog is to guide you through selecting and implementing effective maintenance strategies.

By adopting these approaches, you can optimize your maintenance strategy, improve overall efficiency, select and implement effective maintenance strategies.

Now, let’s learn deeper into each of these maintenance management strategies and discover how they can help you achieve a more efficient and reliable manufacturing operation.

Preventive Maintenance

What is Preventive Maintenance?

Preventive maintenance is a proactive approach designed to keep your equipment in optimal working condition through scheduled maintenance tasks. Rather than waiting for something to break, you perform routine checks and services to prevent unexpected failures. This strategy is all about anticipation and prevention.

Importance of Preventive Maintenance in Manufacturing

Here’s how Preventive Maintenance benefits manufacturing businesses:

  • Reduces Downtime: Regular maintenance helps prevent sudden breakdowns, ensuring your machines are always up and running.

  • Increases Equipment Lifespan: Consistently maintaining your equipment ensures it stays in good working condition for longer.

  • Improves Efficiency: Well-maintained machines operate more efficiently, boosting your overall productivity.

  • Cost Savings: By preventing major issues, you save on expensive repairs and replacements.


Steps to Implement a Preventive Maintenance Program

Implementing a preventive maintenance program involves several key steps:

  1. Identify Critical Equipment: Determine which machines and systems are crucial to your operations.
  2. Create a Maintenance Schedule: Develop a schedule for regular checks and services based on manufacturer recommendations and operational needs.
  3. Train Your Team: Ensure your maintenance staff understands the preventive maintenance strategy and their specific roles.
  4. Document Everything: Keep detailed records of all maintenance activities for future reference and continuous improvement.

Tools and Techniques Used in Preventive Maintenance

Various tools and techniques can streamline your preventive maintenance program:

  • Checklists: Standardized checklists ensure all necessary tasks are completed.
  • Maintenance Management Software: Platforms like CMMS (Computerised Maintenance Management Systems) help track maintenance activities and schedules.

  • Condition Monitoring Tools: Theymonitor the real-time condition of your equipment, helping to identify potential issues before they become serious problems.


Leveraging Technology for Better Planning

Technology plays a crucial role in enhancing your preventive maintenance strategy.

 Apps like Proptor can revolutionize how you plan and execute maintenance tasks. Here’s how:

  • Scheduling: Proptor allows you to create detailed maintenance schedules, ensuring tasks are performed on time.
  • Tracking: It helps you track completed tasks and upcoming maintenance activities, keeping everything organized.
  • Notifications: Receive alerts and reminders for upcoming maintenance tasks, ensuring nothing falls through the cracks.

When you combine these tools, they can help you fix breakdowns even before they become serious. These tools aren’t any fancy gadgets but help you run smooth operations and save tons of time in the long run.


Here’s how it can help you:


  • Reduced Downtime: Regular maintenance prevents unexpected equipment failures, ensuring continuous production and minimizing costly interruptions.


  • Cost Savings: By addressing potential issues before they escalate, you save on expensive repairs and avoid the high costs associated with emergency breakdowns.


  • Extended Equipment Lifespan: Consistently maintaining your machinery ensures it stays in peak condition for longer, delaying the need for replacements and maximizing your investment.


  • Improved Safety: Well-maintained equipment is less likely to malfunction, reducing the risk of accidents and creating a safer working environment for your employees.


  • Enhanced Productivity: Efficient and reliable machinery boosts overall production efficiency, helping you meet your manufacturing targets and deadlines consistently.


  • Better Resource Allocation: With fewer unexpected breakdowns, your maintenance team can focus on planned tasks rather than reactive repairs, leading to more efficient use of resources.


Predictive Maintenance

What is Predictive Maintenance?

You can easily skip the process of guessing when your machines may need maintenance. Predictive maintenance is like having a crystal ball for your factory. It uses technology to predict when equipment might fail and fix things just in time.

Unlike preventive maintenance, which is based on scheduled intervals, predictive maintenance relies on the actual condition of the equipment, using data and analytics to forecast potential issues before they become serious problems.

How Predictive Maintenance Differs from Preventive Maintenance

While both predictive and preventive maintenance aim to reduce downtime and extend equipment lifespan, there are key differences:

  • Preventive Maintenance: Involves regular, scheduled maintenance tasks regardless of the equipment’s condition.


  • Predictive Maintenance: Uses real-time data to predict when maintenance should be performed, allowing for more precise and timely interventions.

In a nutshell,  preventive maintenance is about routine care, whereas predictive maintenance focuses on condition-based care, making it a more efficient and cost-effective maintenance strategy.

Technologies and Tools Used in Predictive Maintenance

Predictive maintenance leverages advanced tech to anticipate equipment issues, preventing costly downtime.

  • Internet of Things (IoT): IoT sensors collect real-time data from equipment, such as temperature, vibration, and pressure readings.


  • Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI algorithms analyze the data to identify patterns and predict potential failures.


  • Machine Learning: Machine learning models improve over time by learning from historical data and improving the accuracy of predictions.

Steps to Set Up a Predictive Maintenance System


Here are 5 steps to follow when you implement a Predictive Maintenance system:

1. Identify Critical Equipment: You can focus on the machines essential for your.operations and that will benefit from predictive maintenance.


2. Install IoT Sensors: You can equip your machines with IoT sensors to collect real-time data.


3. Choose a Data Analytics Platform: Use a platform that can analyse the data and provide actionable insights for your business.


4. Train Your Team: Ensure your maintenance staff understands how to interpret the data and respond to the insights provided.


5. Monitor and Adjust: You can continuously monitor your system’s performance and make adjustments as needed to improve accuracy and efficiency.

Utilizing Data Analytics Platforms and Applications

Data analytics platforms are essential for predictive maintenance. These platforms, such as those provided by Proptor, enable real-time monitoring and analysis of equipment health. Here’s how they can help:

  • Real-Time Monitoring: Continuously track the condition of your equipment, providing up-to-date insights.
  • Predictive Analytics: Analyze your data to predict when maintenance should be performed, allowing for timely interventions.
  • Alerts and Notifications: You receive alerts when equipment conditions deviate from normal parameters, indicating potential issues.

Key Benefits of Predictive Maintenance for Manufacturing

Predictive maintenance offers numerous advantages for manufacturing businesses:

  • Reduced Downtime: Predicting failures allows for timely maintenance, minimising unexpected breakdowns.
  • Cost Efficiency: Precise maintenance cuts unnecessary tasks, saving both time and money.
  • Extended Equipment Lifespan: Condition-based maintenance prolongs machinery life.
  • Improved Safety: Early issue detection reduces accident risks and enhances workplace safety.
  • Increased Productivity: Efficient operations with less downtime boost overall productivity

Upgrade your maintenance strategy with predictive maintenance!

It is one of the best ways to optimize your maintenance management strategy. Predictive maintenance leverages the latest technologies to make sure that your equipment always runs in top condition. As we move further to Condition-based maintenance, you will develop a clear idea of what maintenance strategy will work best for you.

Condition Based Maintenance (CBM)

What is Condition Based Maintenance?

Stop fixing things before they break!

Instead of rigid schedules, CBM lets you address minor problems before they snowball into major breakdowns. Condition-based maintenance (CBM) uses real-time monitoring to track the health of your equipment. This smart approach saves you time and money by ensuring maintenance is only done when truly necessary.

The Principle Behind Condition-Based Maintenance

The principle behind condition-based maintenance is straightforward: monitor the real-time condition of your equipment to determine when maintenance is needed. This is achieved through the use of sensors and diagnostic tools that measure various parameters like vibration, temperature, and pressure. 

By analyzing this data, you can predict when a component is likely to fail and take proactive steps to prevent it.

How to Implement Condition-Based Maintenance in a Manufacturing Setting

Implementing condition-based maintenance in a manufacturing environment involves several key steps:

  1. Identify Critical Equipment: Determine which machines and systems are most critical to your operations and would benefit most from condition-based monitoring.

  2. Install Monitoring Tools and Sensors: Your machinery must be equipped with sensors to continuously measure and record operational data such as temperature, vibration, and pressure.

  3. Integrate Maintenance Management Software: If you use a platform like Proptor to collect and analyze the data, you can schedule maintenance tasks based on the condition of your equipment.

  4. Train Your Team: Your maintenance staff should be trained to understand the data and respond appropriately to the insights provided by the monitoring tools.

  5. Continuous Improvement: Regularly review and refine your condition-based maintenance strategy to ensure it remains effective and efficient.

Tools and Sensors Used for Monitoring Equipment Conditions

To effectively implement condition-based maintenance, you need the right tools and sensors:

  • Vibration Sensors: Detect abnormalities in the vibration patterns of your machinery, indicating potential issues.

  • Temperature Sensors: Monitor the operating temperature to identify overheating components.

  • Pressure Sensors: Measure pressure levels to ensure they remain within safe operating limits.

  • Ultrasonic Sensors: Detect early signs of wear and tear by analyzing sound waves emitted by the equipment.

Integrating Maintenance Management Software

Software like Proptor simplifies CBM, making monitoring, early issue detection, and efficient scheduling a breeze. Here’s how:

  • Real-Time Data Collection: Proptor collects data from all your sensors and centralizes it for easy access.

  • Analysis and Insights: The software analyzes the data to provide actionable insights and predict potential issues.

  • Automated Scheduling: Automatically schedule maintenance tasks based on the actual condition of your equipment.

  • Reporting and Documentation: Generates reports and maintains records of all maintenance activities for continuous improvement and compliance purposes.

Advantages of Condition-Based Maintenance

Condition-based maintenance offers several benefits for manufacturing businesses:

  • Optimised Maintenance Strategy: Maintenance is performed only when necessary, reducing unnecessary tasks and costs. 

  • Reduced Downtime: By addressing potential issues before they lead to failures, you minimize unexpected breakdowns. 

  • Extended Equipment Lifespan: Regular monitoring and timely maintenance extend the life of your machinery. 

  • Improved Safety: Early detection of problems reduces the risk of accidents, creating a safer work environment. 

  • Enhanced Productivity: With well-maintained equipment, your operations run more smoothly and efficiently, boosting overall productivity.


Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)

What is Total Productive Maintenance?

TPM gets everyone on board to keep your equipment running smoothly, maximising production! For businesses striving to achieve flawless production, TPM makes it possible with proactive maintenance to eliminate breakdowns, defects, and accidents.

The Philosophy and Pillars of TPM

The philosophy behind TPM is to integrate maintenance into the daily operations of a manufacturing facility. It emphasizes the importance of teamwork and continuous improvement to achieve operational excellence. 

TPM is built on 8 foundational pillars:

  1. Autonomous Maintenance: Operators are empowered to perform routine maintenance tasks.

  2. Planned Maintenance: Maintenance activities are scheduled based on predictive data and historical performance.

  3. Quality Maintenance: It focuses on defect prevention and ensuring equipment produces quality output.

  4. Focused Improvement: Identifying and eliminating inefficiencies through targeted improvements.

  5. Early Equipment Management: It integrates maintenance considerations in the design and installation of new equipment.

  6. Training and Education: Provides comprehensive training to enhance employee skills and knowledge.

  7. Safety, Health, and Environment: Ensuring a safe and healthy workplace through proactive maintenance.

  8. Administrative and Office TPM: It extends TPM principles to administrative functions to improve your overall business efficiency.

Steps to Implement TPM in a Manufacturing Environment

Implementing TPM involves several key steps:

  1. Top Management Commitment: Secure commitment and support from top management.

  2. TPM Training: Educate employees on TPM principles and practices.

  3. Formation of TPM Teams: Create cross-functional teams to drive TPM initiatives.

  4. Initial Assessment: Conduct an assessment to identify current maintenance practices and areas for improvement.

  5. Develop a TPM Implementation Plan: Outline a detailed plan with clear goals, timelines, and responsibilities.

  6. Execute and Monitor: Implement the plan, monitor progress, and make adjustments as needed.

Continuous Improvement: Regularly review and refine TPM practices to ensure continuous improvement.

Training and Involvement of Employees in TPM

Employee involvement is crucial for TPM success. This includes:

  • Comprehensive Training: Equip employees with the necessary skills and knowledge to perform maintenance tasks.

  • Empowerment: Encourage operators to take ownership of their equipment through autonomous maintenance.

  • Team Collaboration: Foster a culture of teamwork where employees collaborate to solve maintenance issues and improve processes.


Using Digital Tools to Enhance Employee Participation and Track TPM Activities

Digital tools like Proptor can significantly enhance TPM implementation:

  • Training Modules: Offer online training modules to educate employees about TPM.
  • Collaboration Platforms: Use digital platforms to facilitate communication and collaboration among TPM teams.
  • Activity Tracking: Track and document all TPM activities, ensuring transparency and accountability.
  • Performance Analytics: Analyze data to measure the impact of TPM on equipment performance and identify areas for further improvement.

Benefits of TPM for Manufacturing Businesses

TPM offers numerous benefits for manufacturing businesses:

  • Increased Equipment Efficiency
  • Enhanced Productivity
  • Improved Quality
  • Higher Employee Engagement
  • Safer Work Environment

When you implement TPM in your organization, it can transform your maintenance strategy, boosting efficiency and driving operational excellence.

In the next section, we'll delve into the steps needed to implement this powerful maintenance strategy.

Choosing the Right Maintenance Strategy

 Keeping your factory humming! 

Choosing the right maintenance strategy is key to avoiding downtime, maximizing equipment life, and keeping production running smoothly. Here's a breakdown to help you decide.

  • Critical Machines: Extra care must be taken for equipment that keeps your production line moving.
  • Tough Environments: Dusty or hot workplaces might need more frequent checkups.
  • Budget Constraints: Technology can save money in the long run, but there's an upfront cost.
  • Maintenance Resources: Make sure you have the skills and tools to handle different maintenance approaches.
  • Downtime Tolerance: If every minute counts, you must prioritise strategies that prevent surprise breakdowns
  • Historical Data: See what worked (and what didn't) with your maintenance before.

This insight can guide you in selecting a strategy that addresses recurring issues.

How to Assess the Needs of Your Manufacturing Business

To choose the right maintenance strategy, you need to thoroughly assess your business’s specific needs:

  1. Conduct a Risk Assessment: Identify how equipment failures could hurt production and focus maintenance there.
  2. Perform a Gap Analysis: Compare what you do now to industry best practices and see where you can improve.
  3. Engage Stakeholders: Get everyone involved (all hierarchies) to understand all the maintenance challenges.
  4. Analyze Operational Data: Use data to see how your machines are running and decide where specific maintenance approaches are most helpful.

Combining Strategies

In many cases, a hybrid approach that combines multiple maintenance strategies can be the most effective. Here’s how to do it:

  • Integrate Preventive and Predictive Maintenance: Use routine checks for most machines, then add real-time monitoring for the critical ones.
  • Condition-Based Maintenance for Specific Components:   Focus on parts that wear out quickly with maintenance based on their condition.
  • Leverage Total Productive Maintenance (TPM):  Involve your whole team in keeping things running smoothly - it's a team effort!

How to Create a Customized Maintenance Plan

Creating a customized maintenance plan involves integrating various strategies to suit your specific needs. Comprehensive platforms like Proptor can help you manage and streamline this process:

  1. Centralize Data Collection: Use Proptor to see all your machine data in one place, making it easy to track and analyze.
  2. Develop a Maintenance Schedule:  Create a maintenance schedule that mixes routine checks, condition monitoring, and Proptor alerts to keep everything running smoothly.
  3. Set Up Alerts and Notifications: Get reminders and notifications from Proptor so no maintenance task or potential issue slips through the cracks..
  4. Track and Document Activities: Track and document everything in Proptor, building a clear history to help you continuously improve your maintenance strategy.
  5. Training and Support: Train your crew with Proptor's resources to keep them up-to-speed on the latest maintenance practices.


Keeping your factory running like a well-oiled machine? 


Let's revisit the four key maintenance strategies you can use:


  • Preventive Maintenance: Be proactive! Regular checkups prevent breakdowns before they slow you down.


  • Predictive Maintenance: Get smart! Advanced tech predicts problems before they arise, so you can fix them on your terms.


  • Condition-Based Maintenance: Focus your efforts! Sensors tell you exactly when specific parts need attention, maximising efficiency.


  • Total Productive Maintenance (TPM): Get everyone involved! Make maintenance a team effort for zero breakdowns and continuous improvement.



A factory buzzing with efficiency, where breakdowns are a relic of the past, is an ideal scenario!

 That's the power of choosing the right maintenance strategy for your manufacturing business. Here's how it pays off:

  • Reduced Downtime: Keep production lines humming with minimised breakdowns.


  • Cost Efficiency: Focus resources on essential maintenance, saving you money in the long run.


  • Long Live the Machines!: Timely maintenance extends the lifespan of your valuable equipment.


  • Safety First: Identify and address issues early, preventing accidents and keeping your team safe.


  • Production Efficiency: Well-maintained machines translate to smoother operations and boosted productivity.

Implementing a new maintenance strategy can seem daunting, but the benefits far outweigh the initial effort. Start by evaluating your current practices and identifying areas for improvement. 

Consider beginning with a hybrid approach, combining elements from different strategies to tailor a solution that fits your needs best.

This process doesn't end with implementation. You should regularly review and refine your maintenance strategy to adapt to new challenges and technological advancements. That will ensure you stay competitive in the manufacturing industry.

We’d love to hear from you! Share your experiences with different maintenance strategies in the comments below. What has worked well for your business? What challenges have you faced? Write to us at [email protected] 

Your insights can help others in the manufacturing business make informed decisions about their maintenance management strategies.